Finding the Right Door


It’s taken me years to finish my collection of short stories. Now I’m in that lovely but frustrating floaty ‘what-next?’ phase.

EthiopiaIt’s not that I don’t have plenty of projects to work on (two other story collections are in the pipeline) but I’d really like to sink my teeth into something totally new.

EthiopiaAnd I feel there’s some idea lurking out there, not so far away, waiting for me… Something important.


It’s just a matter of finding the right door….


Doors to hermit caves in Ethiopia

Inspired by Norm’s Thursday Doors

10 thoughts on “Finding the Right Door

  1. Beautiful photos Susi – just love the doors! And I know that you will find your next fabulous journey right behind one. Don’t think it’s possible to pick a wrong one!


  2. Your title of this post was intriguing enough to visit! I totally understand – after your collection of stories – to find a subject you like enough to stay with for some time! Your search does not disappoint; love you second choice!

    Liked by 1 person

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