Free Modifiers, Dependent Clauses and a Good Night’s Sleep

bedroom in apartment in Gaudi's La Pedrera (Casa Milà), Barcelona

Towards the end of my appointment with the sleep doctor, after he’d told me exactly what time I should go to bed every night and what time – exactly – I should wake, he suggested I put my iPod under my pillow, ready for the hours when I lie awake.

On the iPod, he said, should be something like ‘The History of the World.’

Goodness, I said. That’ll send me to sleep.

That’s the whole idea, he pointed out gently.

I hadn’t got around to doing that but I remembered it as a long-time writer buddy and I were exchanging emails about grammatical constructions.

I hunted around for the book on grammar that had been recommended to me when I was doing my MFA.

Who can read a grammar book right through just like that? I’d take it slowly and work my way through, reading one section each evening before bed.

I open the book at random, read the section – usually several times to make sure I understand it…if I can stay awake long enough.


The photo was taken in the bedroom of an apartment in Gaudi’s La Pedrera (Casa Milà), Barcelona.

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